Which of the Following is Considered a Disordered Eating Behavior?

Which of the following is considered a disordered eating behavior?

Eating disorders are a common, serious condition. They can have negative impacts on a person’s mental and physical health, leading to symptoms such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and social isolation. People with eating disorders struggle to manage their emotions, focus on other areas of their lives, and are often preoccupied with their food and weight.

Many people aren’t aware that they might be suffering from a disordered eating behavior, which can make it difficult to find the help they need. But it’s important to know what the signs of an eating disorder are, so you can start the process of recognizing and treating them before they lead to more severe problems.

Some of the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. But there are also a number of less recognizable and more subtle eating behaviors that can indicate someone is struggling with an eating disorder.

Anxiety around Eating in Public

When someone has high levels of anxiety over eating in public, it can lead to behaviors like avoiding eating out, hiding behind food, or overeating in private. These behaviors may be caused by a variety of factors, such as fear of judgment or feelings of shame.

Strict Rules & Routines About Food

Strict rules and routines about food can be part of normal everyday life, but when they become rigid, aren’t conducive to healthy eating or don’t allow you to eat the types of foods you need, they could be a sign of an unhealthy relationship with food. This can include eliminating whole food groups, limiting consumption or restricting quantities.

Excessive Exercise

Trying to lose weight through excessive exercise can be another way to control the amount of calories you consume. This can lead to a host of problems, such as bone loss, muscle weakness, electrolyte and fluid imbalances, low heart rate, lower blood pressure, anxiety and stress, and even depression.

Low Self-Esteem

Eating disorders can be the result of a lack of self-esteem or feeling unworthy of certain things in life. Some of these issues are caused by the pressures of society or by a history of trauma or abuse.

It is very common for someone to develop an eating disorder as a way to cope with these feelings and take back control of their lives, or at least to feel better about themselves. They can also be a reaction to feelings of rage, grief, or a sense of powerlessness.

Recurrent Purging

Some people with eating disorders cycle between consuming large amounts of food and then purging, such as vomiting, overeating, or exercising excessively to “compensate” for the excess calories they’ve consumed. They can also engage in other forms of compulsion, such as compulsive exercising or using laxatives and diuretics to lose weight.

The recurrent purging and other behaviors can be a sign that someone is struggling with an eating disorder, but they don’t meet the diagnostic criteria of a specific eating disorder, such as anorexia or bulimia. They might be labeled as “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified” (EDNOS), and they’ll receive treatment for their disordered eating behaviors instead.



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