What Are the 2 Subtypes of Anorexia?

What are the 2 subtypes of anorexia?

There are 2 major types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Both types of eating disorders are characterized by an unhealthy relationship with food and the body.

Anorexia nervosa is an extremely dangerous eating disorder that can lead to starvation and death. People with this type of eating disorder are extremely afraid of gaining weight and restrict their diet to the point where they are severely underweight or emaciated. They also exercise compulsively and may purge through vomiting or using laxatives, enemas, or other methods.

Those suffering from anorexia nervosa often have low self-esteem and distorted body image. They believe that they are too fat and need to lose weight in order to feel better about themselves.

The symptoms of anorexia can range from mild to severe, but are usually accompanied by depression. Other mental health conditions commonly co-occur with anorexia nervosa, such as anxiety and mood disorders.

Some signs of anorexia include: Skipping meals, feeling a lack of hunger, avoiding social events where food is served, and becoming depressed when you do eat. The person may also develop a phobia of certain foods or feel that they are already spoiled before they eat them.

These signs are often difficult to recognize, but you can get a quick evaluation and diagnosis by talking with your doctor. They will also do blood tests to check your levels of certain nutrients. You might be given a complete blood count (CBC), urinalysis, and other tests to assess your liver, kidneys, and thyroid.

Binge eating and purging

People who suffer from bulimia nervosa binge eat in excess, then follow it with an attempt to eliminate or “purge” the food by vomiting or by taking laxatives or diuretics. This behavior can be very addictive and may cause serious damage to your body.

The other type of anorexia nervosa is called binge-purge anorexia. This is a more moderate form of the disorder that can be difficult to diagnose because it involves both binge eating and purging. It’s similar to bulimia nervosa, but people with this type of anorexia are usually at or slightly above their normal weight for their age and height.

This type of anorexia is very common in adolescents, and is seen more frequently in girls than boys. It can result in physical complications, such as thinning bones and brittle nails and hair. It can also make you prone to infections and infertility.

You can learn more about this type of anorexia by reading the following article: The Symptoms and Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa.

Another common subtype of anorexia is orthorexia nervosa, which is a newer type of eating disorder that is still not recognized by the DSM-5. It involves a obsessive focus on healthy eating, and may involve checking ingredient lists or nutritional labels as well as following “healthy lifestyle” accounts on social media.

Some individuals who suffer from orthorexia nervosa also have a fear of certain foods, such as meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, or mayonnaise. These people may also be very irritable and have low self-esteem. They may be very competitive with others and tend to be overly concerned about their appearance.



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